Saturday, March 14, 2009

1hour to go...

Rain is welcoming me to GA., but that's ok...I'm feeling optimistic so I'll consider it a sign of luck. I've been packing all week (with lots of help from mom) loaded the truck this morning, and left Ohio around 5pm. Audra and I have been driving for 10 hours straight and we have discovered that rex has a bladder the size of lake Erie because he has yet to pee. He has been such a good boy though. The ipod hook-up i had installed before I left has been a life saver for the trip (again...thanks mom) no static and good tunes make for a great road trip. The reality that I'll actually be living here still has not set in but something tells me that next Friday after Audra leaves and as I'm getting my bookbag packed and ready for school, it will hit me.

Miss you all already!


Anonymous said...

glad you had a good trip.. and that rex was a good boy. I was so nervous about taking roxie and having to stop and where she would stay. So glad you got to take him with you. Hope the music kept you entertained. Miss you lots and so proud of you *HUGS* JOHN T-E

Vitamin B-Lardo said...

Happy Landing!! Again, I'm really proud of you for what you are doing and wish you the best days in the ATL. I know you'll have a wonderful time. Give me a daily weather report so I can get good and jealous!!!!!!

Nick James said...

I've been in LA for 2 months now and I'm not positive I realize it yet. Happy travels--best of luck with everything.

Anonymous said...

We keep wondering how things are going!!! Rest assured, we are still waaaaay jealous, but there's no way Jess is gonna let me knock on your door with armfuls of cats unless I bring her with me. You will succeed easily, so ENJOY!!!